Friday, November 12


我最近心情好很多了~ 哈哈
夢都很奇怪, 可也幫了我很多..
我有個男朋友? 而且還有個難以相信的好朋友!
第一個夢幫我想通了, 第二個夢是代表我想通了..
我真的很開心 ^^

昨天跟姐妹做了瘋狂的事, 11/11 to remind us we are one. ♥
Jam; 怎么突然變得那么有默契? 連發的夢也一樣.. 哈哈
Chiin; 以后記得所發過的夢! 還有以后我們出去時一定一定要記得 帶 雨 傘!
你們陪我曬黑很可憐咩? 都會說是年尾吧了咯~ 不要一直complain..

假期開始了, 我不知道又會不會搞失蹤咯.. 呵呵

覺得這次假期去的地方和事情, 我會寫在部落格, 因為我真的真的想通了, 間接的心情很好, 思想開通, 看事物都美好多了 :)
金馬侖, 太平, 怡保, 云頂, 阿密特演唱會, 吉隆坡
, 還有沒計劃的即興旅程 等等..
對了, 上次的Deepavali Celebration忘了拍照 所以不會寫了..
當 作 提 醒 自 己 以 后 一 定 要 拍 照

Saturday, October 30

不用浪費時間讀, 后果自負.

這篇要用華語寫, 很記得你說過還是喜歡我寫英語, 華語看了怪怪的..
可是因為這篇是要給大家讀的, 所以只能寫華語. 大家都說寫英文, 不會看到那么仔細.

我真的只是要浪費時間和腦力來發泄, 我忍了太久. 再這樣下去, 我的藥需要再加重.
很怕我會變得太依賴那藥, 控制情緒的藥, 我姐專門從西藏寄來給我的藥.
前幾天沒有吃, 我真的瘋了. 一天不知哭了多少次, 不少過十次..
姐遲早會飛來看我了啦.. 那也好, 呵呵, 讓宇哲來陪我~
去年原本計劃好自己一人去印度找他們, 姐想見我, 可是因為時間問題取消了..

我很想大喊, 我知道我家窮, 沒有別人家那么多錢, 沒有買名車, 沒有買貴手機, 沒有天天吃貴死人的自由餐, 沒有幾個月就換手機.
我家的車雖然不是外國名貴汽車, 可是很舒服很好看很好.
我家手機不貴, 都普普通通可是能用就好了啊, 我們能聯絡對方, 知道對方的近況就很幸福了.
我們家手機用的時間算年, 習慣三年才換. 還記得之前老爸的電話壞到不像樣, 鍵盤根本就按不出字, 如果我沒有借來用, 他一定不會告訴我們, 可是他還不舍得換, 因為才用一年多, 還說換鍵盤就好, 我們勸了他好久. 到最后因為賣電話的哥介紹了不錯的給他, 價錢也減到最低, 媽媽又說要送他, 他才肯換.
我真的很心痛, 爸媽總不舍得買貴的東西給自己, 只留給我們. 而且特別疼我, 他們買電話, 不可以超過800-900, 我的就1000多, 買手表給自己也要考慮很久, 買給我就不用看價錢.
我們家買什么都會考慮很久, 爸要買手提電腦, 選了又選到最后覺得真的很好才買下了, 爸喜歡腳車, 相機和很多, 可是都不敢買貴的.
我的親戚都很很很有錢, 幸好他們不會瞧不起我們( 除了幾個 ) 但真的很感謝他們會體諒我們. 尤其是我姑姑一家, 姨媽一家和奶奶..
他們總對我們很好, 姑姑他們買好多東西給我哦.. 就連我的眼鏡是她買的, 真的真的很謝謝她.. 姨媽她們就總請我們吃貴到不行的好料, 逛街, 看電影.. 奶奶呢, 很體諒我們, 以前我不懂現在我長大了才發現她常常不舍得我們請她吃貴的, 發現她跟我們在一起時, 總說不用吃貴的, 隨便就好, 大家庭去吃, 她總會說我們不用付, 沒有常回 去, 她也會說, 她了解因為遠所以每次回都必須浪費很多錢..
最讓人欣慰, 感激的是他們總會教導我道理, 人生觀, 等等.. 表 姐 們 也 一 樣 :)
另外, 很謝謝我的好朋友們會體諒我, 了解我.

我從小就很驕傲, 因為我很害怕被瞧不起. 我記仇, 我討厭, 我恨, 那些傷害我的人. 最近, 最記得的就是那老師, 竟然罵我: 你以為你很厲害嗎? 很驕傲嗎? 其實你什么都沒有!
當時的我, 只是靠着自尊心不發飆.
而且我爸媽教到我的家教很好, 很尊敬長輩, 怎樣都不會回話.

我很開心, 甚至光榮的是, 爸爸不管怎樣都好, 每一年一定會帶我們去玩.
他認為讀萬卷書不如行萬里路, 百聞不如一見. 這真的有效, 從小我就懂得比別人多, 一直以為那是大家都會的, 其實不是.
所以我很珍惜跟家人旅行的時間, 很欣慰朋友也了解我的想法.
我雖然沒有物質上的奢華, 但我有心靈上的滿足就很幸福了.

我皮膚不白, 臉不圓, 不高, 不矮, 不肥, 不瘦, 不可愛, 不美麗.
我很邋塌, leh feh , 是偶爾會有夸張的潔癖.
我有時會非常羅嗦, 媽媽常說我像老太婆. 我真的不爽, 很多事, 尤其是最近考試嘛, 然后在安靜的環境里你總會聽到吸鼻涕的聲音. 拜托啦, 晚上蓋被啦, 還是你沒有紙巾抹? 不然就吃藥! 我聽了真的很想大罵!
我的脾氣很不好, 很暴躁, 爸常說我笨, 那么容易被別人氣, 自己受罪. 誰叫我一直不爽這不爽那的?我也很會嫌, 很挑剔? 均晶跟佳柔講的, 過后我也慢慢覺得..
其實我還察覺到一樣東西, 那就是我討厭的人多數都會有某個地方跟我很相似, 因為我討厭自己所以我才會討厭別人.
我很懶惰, 做事看心情, 我的頭發可以留半年或更久也不會去剪, 指甲和頭發都要等到pekchek才甘愿, 不會打扮, 不會保養.
老爸好像不舍得我長大, 不喜歡我買保養品, 不喜歡我打扮到像現在流行的女生, 他就要我保持現狀, 做最初的自己.
以前的我很勇敢, 記性好得不得了, 現在看都不能看.
以前一件小事, 你說一遍, 我可以記到永遠.
現在這一秒發生的事, 下一秒就忘了.
因為之前發生的事, 讓我把腦里的功能調到不能存記憶, 所以咯 我在想辦法調回..

其實我還沒發泄完的, 可是我不能再寫下去因為我哭了好幾次.
這篇真的純粹發泄, 發牢騷.. 如果你讀到這里, 佩服你啦 :)

Wednesday, August 4

Not so perfect

I demand perfection in my life so much that I forget life isn't meant to be perfect.

Wednesday, July 14

there isn't more time to spare

I spent the whole day doing a new blog skin but I failed.
UGH, wasted all my time on increasing my eyes degrees and making my foot paralysis.
I should use those time studying, okay maybe sleeping..
at least it beats doing a blog skin that aren't finish !
waste electricity
my muscle cramp
fats are concentrating
my eyes are getting worse
see! there isn't anything good about it.

photo from PeanutSatisfaction

today is just a total waste, except the last two periods where we did an experiment.
I don't even know why I am so obedient to enter the class.
Oh God, tis just remind me.
there is
only 1weekplus till our monthly test!
Even JingHung is starting to study, *knocks my head* "hello, little guy or girl inside! shouldn't we start too ?"

photo from Reviviscent

Tuesday, July 13

A new chapter

so, at last there is a whole new chapter.
people, i changed.
quite lot, i can say.
maybe unbearable or hard to digest but its true as it seems.

i once thought people can understand me, but i was wrong.
i think i am turning into a 30+ year old lady, from a 22+ mind but 16+ body.
i looked thru a lot. set myself a point of bursting out everything.

You can learn to know me as a stranger, all fresh, nothing same with the past.
but as u can see, i think.
I have flaws like everyone, I don't live to please others.

I am Cindy Tan , currently 16and4monthsplus. a pure Pisces .
I love Penang ! haha, kept on tell my cous that lives in KL how good is here.
I hate Spiders, but am trying to conquer this fear : )
milk doesn't attract me, I hate it since I am a toddler.
I dislikes sweet things, blah!
I Love and Hate , there is never in the middle , i think.
If I Love U , I treat U like my precious, I never keep secrets from U, I will always tell U the truth and help U be a better person.
If U can't take it, then maybe we don't have the fate.
Nowadays, I learn to live like there is no tomorrow.
Spend times with everyone that I care.

I think a lot differently from others, sometimes i think i am an alien from super outer space. haha
I am a girl that have a lot of personalities, feelings, ideas that are weird and my own point of view.
I do things that surprise people, believe me, I know what am I doing.
oh and bytheway I have been thinking of creating a nickname for myself,
what do u think about chumper / chervil ? help me choose one!

Wednesday, February 3


( 拍于去年12月)

可爱的表妹 ...
杨彤双 ,


中学生了 , 好好加油 .
跟你相处了13年 , 每次都很期待跟你见面
因为你总是带给我快乐 , 呵呵...
有时看你发脾气啊.. 我也会很担心你哭哦 ^^

( 从亲戚的面子书拿来的 XD )

希望即将到来的新年会见到你 : )
muackss X *

Saturday, January 30


脾气暴躁 , 喜爱音乐 , 不讨人欢喜 , 常跟人不一样

是我们家的基因吧 ?

家里只有 2 位小朋友 ( 其实对别人来说也不算小了 , 都中学生了嘛.. ) 没有遗传到这基因 ,

本以为是 3 位的 , 原来她只是比较会隐藏吧了...

我应该多了解她 , 因为知道她做了那样的事后 , 我想哭...

不知是开心她原来跟我有一样的基因 , 还是担心她跟我一样...

他妈的 , 最近越来越常说的话
都是表妹们害的 , 他妈的

Thursday, January 21

Black List

Its still Fking same boring !!

Chemistry : just late a bit bit , the teacher get angry , scold scold scold , blah blah blah...

Next period ,
Add Math : Didn't went in class because can't stand it , SN 2 with JamJam !! chat the whole period there , their class is like whoever don't bring their phone , he/she is a weirdo . How I wish.. okay , dreaming .
\ went back to class to realize , our name is in Buku Pemantauan , great ! Its just the 3rd week ?
still cant believe how our names get in there *thinking hard*
Physics : Okay lor.. I don't understand what is he saying. o.0

: lecture more than points

: I like PN. Phung ! did I spell right ? =P

: she doesn't have any other words ? We can really say it out loud with her ...

my life is so Fking boring !!
besides now of course , chatting online with Alexz. The last one is loong looooong time ago .
btw , He says he hate gurls wearing colour lens wor.. next time go out with him , must remember . If wan to tiok shoot then wear lar.. haha XD

Ignore this post people , Its just craps ..

Wednesday, January 20


I Love This Song !!
Its the first time I like a Korean song without any influence ( :

Monday, January 18

18 Jan 2010

NoMatterWhat , you are my mum n I always wish that you will be happier everyday..
I am Sorry for a lot of things ..
I really tried , but it just doesnt work..
Give me time .


Wednesday, January 6


That present wont be able to reach the real owner's hands…
It will be put in a small n pretty plastic , placed in my drawer's darkest corner...
Whatawaste : )

Sunday, January 3

u know , just in case ;

u know ; just in case

Friday, January 1

2010 !!


loves , Cindy