Its still Fking same boring !!
Chemistry : just late a bit bit , the teacher get angry , scold scold scold , blah blah blah...
Next period ,
Add Math : Didn't went in class because can't stand it , SN 2 with
JamJam !! chat the whole period there , their class is like whoever don't bring their phone , he/she is a weirdo .
How I wish.. okay , dreaming .
\ went back to class to realize , our name is in Buku Pemantauan , great ! Its just the 3rd week ?
still cant believe how our names get in there *thinking hard*Physics : Okay lor..
I don't understand what is he saying. o.0
BM : lecture more than points
English : I like PN. Phung ! did I spell right ? =P
Sej : she doesn't have any other words ? We can really say it out loud with her ...
my life is so
Fking boring !!
besides now of course , chatting online with
Alexz. The last one is loong looooong time ago .
btw , He says he hate gurls wearing colour lens wor.. next time go out with him , must remember . If wan to tiok shoot then wear lar.. haha XD
Ignore this post people , Its just craps ..