People, no worries. I am not quite back in blogging. Just want to update this blog and tell others that I AM STILL ALIVE!! yup, although recently I am quite busy and have a lot of minor problems but I am still here. Loud and Lovely :D
my family like Jonny's quite a little (*-*)
If u haven't know yet, I am helping my friends to plan a night. whatever u want to call it, graduation night or farewell night. But to make it easy, I call it an evening party ^^
arh.. how hard is it? when at first it was full of laughter and fun. everyone is just so excited to finishing it until something or some plan happen.
to be honest and make things clear, I don't like how the situation is right now. this process and journey should be our good memory and our nice memory of high school. but now, it is full with bad aura around. can we just forget bout the past and move on? be friends and enjoy the night :)

life is still long, not worthy for us to be angry in some small matters. change ur perspective in seeing things then u will live happier.
appreciate what u have or more important, who u have. family and friends, who will walk with u through life? no one will if u don't love them or even urself :)

Live Life as You Want It To Be. Don't hesitate.

someone told me/teach me that smile to ur enemies. although I forgot the reason why but I believe him. everything will get better by smiling :) so, I smiled to him after he telling me that :D
this few days, I talked to people that I never or rarely talk to. Its amazing how somebody's opinion can affect u or just bright a light in front of u. Leading u to think properly. Thank You. All I can say is thank you for being there. By all, I am fine and getting better at every moment. Family and Friends treating my well and sometimes great like I am a princess! Love is all I get ♥
But still, not be fool by what u see is a lesson to be learn.

注:是下面这位狡猾样子的小姐叫我来部落格打扫的 :P 甘愿了没有?