Sunday, September 4


好奇怪的感觉, 我没有尝试这种事情多久了?
呵呵.. 自己都不敢相信自己会出现这种情况.

是做决定的时候了吗? 啊.. 怎么时间过那么快?

我那天八月二十八号, 晚上差不多九点左右:
在吃着所谓的冰淇淋, 当天的心情还不错.一直在拿着数码相机拍 :)
突然看到一个女生, 不是超美的 可是我却被她吸引住
刚开始我就在想, 干吗一直看人家? 又不是很美..
突然不知哪里来的电波: 我会不会变成像她那样美啊?
我知道, 好笑吧

人说; 女大十八变

跟地鼠聊时, 不清楚说到什么了.. 
总之有说到; 一定会变的啊.. 如果毕业后, 几年后, 还是一样不就很奇怪?! 

对自己有点信心吧 :)

爸有教 : 只要心中一直告诉自己想要的那件事, 一定会实现的!


Tuzki Bunny Emoticon

Saturday, August 27

Sudden Spark of Interest

newest photo of me ;p

I want to blog more! and Yes, I am Serious! Just because lazy, I missed a lot of stuff to share with everyone :(

Food! Place! Life! Laughter. everything. I want to share all the goodness I feel :)

chiin: 我不就已经一直告诉你, 我很忙了吗? 笨蛋~ 哈哈

Wednesday, August 17


其实好像不应该先写这个可是我真的有点被烦得 = =

唉.. 好吧, 我来说故事给大家听吧?
哇, 这是个说长不长说短不短的故事..
话说~ 这是一句话的开始:
哦哦~ 其实真的没什么..只是接下来的留言让人烦躁
我是不虚伪!sri nibong的毕业典礼就真正拍得很好!

当然当晚出席者不仅仅是我一个, 大家的反应都不一样;
搞得最后大家气得做了个网页 Tuzki Bunny Emoticon
其实那网页也只是希望可以有个合理的交待! hoho
那个连接网址是在一个说她爸爸的留言下写的. (我好奇是那个让她下定决心出面的吗?)
然后过了一会儿, 她就删除了! 好多人都没有看到哦~ 可惜.. 幸好我有~
说句实话, 那篇文章让人感觉不到诚意 而且 根本没有清楚交待.

我们大家都不明白你是以什么心态来说那些话..所以你实验成功搞到引起我们的好奇间接注意Tuzki Bunny Emoticon
我们从头到尾没有要做些什么,可是却被威胁要让世人知道 Tuzki Bunny Emoticon

最后~ 事情平息了啊.可你好像舍不得我们而又来写些让人怀疑的言论..
太多太多的详细情节, 我不知怎么交待.

Friday, August 12

To Be Honest

Happy with everything for almost the whole week now!
What a unexpected thing to happen!

Life is what u see it, I finally realize this simple yet hard theory.

when someone try to make me angry or unhappy, there is always people who love me stand beside me. They pull me up if I fall down and hold me tight if I am being push by others.
Don't be jealous for I have great friends, great cousins, great aunts, great family members

We Stick Together
Hurt one of us and u are dead!

If You are my friend, my closes person, people I love. No worries, I will appreciate you as much as possible !
Tuzki Bunny Emoticon

Saturday, July 30

when u stop to think

People, no worries. I am not quite back in blogging. Just want to update this blog and tell others that I AM STILL ALIVE!! yup, although recently I am quite busy and have a lot of minor problems but I am still here. Loud and Lovely :D

my family like Jonny's quite a little (*-*)

If u haven't know yet, I am helping my friends to plan a night. whatever u want to call it, graduation night or farewell night. But to make it easy, I call it an evening party ^^
arh.. how hard is it? when at first it was full of laughter and fun. everyone is just so excited to finishing it until something or some plan happen.

to be honest and make things clear, I don't like how the situation is right now. this process and journey should be our good memory and our nice memory of high school. but now, it is full with bad aura around. can we just forget bout the past and move on? be friends and enjoy the night :)

life is still long, not worthy for us to be angry in some small matters. change ur perspective in seeing things then u will live happier.

appreciate what u have or more important, who u have. family and friends, who will walk with u through life? no one will if u don't love them or even urself :)

Live Life as You Want It To Be. Don't hesitate.

someone told me/teach me that smile to ur enemies. although I forgot the reason why but I believe him. everything will get better by smiling :) so, I smiled to him after he telling me that :D

this few days, I talked to people that I never or rarely talk to. Its amazing how somebody's opinion can affect u or just bright a light in front of u. Leading u to think properly. Thank You. All I can say is thank you for being there. By all, I am fine and getting better at every moment. Family and Friends treating my well and sometimes great like I am a princess! Love is all I get

But still, not be fool by what u see is a lesson to be learn.

注:是下面这位狡猾样子的小姐叫我来部落格打扫的 :P 甘愿了没有?

Sunday, April 10

Rio - the movie

Rio de Janeiro,

for some or maybe a lot of people. That is a name so unfamiliar, a place so far away, a destination so mysterious.

Actually it is an amazing place, shows u the reality of world. I thought of going there but it isn't in my top list until now!

Blu, a rare macaw. Been accidentally transported to Moose Lake, Minnesota where he is found and kept by caring owner Linda who own a bookstore. They live together and are best friends, which results in Blu is too domesticated, tamed and doesn't even knows how to fly! However years later, a man called Tulio comes to tell Linda that Blu is the only remaining male bird of its kind. So in the end Blu goes to Rio to mate with Jewel (the only female macaw of its kind), and this is where all the adventure comes in.

At first I didn't expect anything from this movie because I thought it is just a lousy production and I didn't even bother to watch any making or trailer. But! As soon as the movie starts, I am so enlightened (or is it because just before it starts, the trailer of NeverSayNever is on?). Well, what's for sure is This Movie Is Great!

Almost typical Plot, but Great Cast and Amazing SoundTracks!!

Anne Hathaway as Jewel - the kind of lady I like :)

Will.I.Am as Pedro - Kind of friend that knows when to joke and when to help! Jamie Foxx as Nico - cute little yellow bird! Just when u hear their voice, u will know it's them that second. So great to hear them sing.

Creepy Nigel - "So Birdylicious." Love that! Listen to the song he sang. Rafael and Liuz - They are so COOL! Fun and Kind.

So, Rio just makes everyone in the cinema laughed all the way from the start till the end! Although predictable like : He will get caught! and ya, he is caught . But it just brights up everyone's day and will make u say awwwww...

I am so happy and excited for Blu, when he finally fly, I really almost clap and shout!

Colourful, Realistic and the specifically Reflection of the place, by that it's enough reason for u to go and watch it. It isn't a musical but there are so many songs and party that makes someone just want to stand up and dance with the characters.

To have a better feature, go for the 3D! It is one of the best, suitable for people every ages.