first two period is BI , then that teacher keep on talking things that im not interested .
so cha jou n i keep on chating , not , is argue bout what should i name mypillow . : )
from the day i get him , i just keep on call him mypillow .
btw , its a him . *smile*
Alex say should name him , Alexander Archuleta . =]
Cha Jou say , Alex Goh Lao Kai [ i duno what kind of name is that ]
Chuanmelon say , 小包 or 小抱 cuz i always hug it . ^^
Im thinking maybe buddy .
or maybe at last he will be mypillow again . haha
then after school , rush to prepare myself .
then cycle to pei huan's house .
she fetch me in her motorcycle to photostat something . haha . i like it XD
then cycle to school to study . that time is going to four .
study until 6.30 ?
then accompany xin yuan go home .
cycle to cha jou's house to give her things .
then go back wif kah soon . reach home at 7.40pm . so late arh ! but i like wor.. cuz went through a place i never went . =]
kinda tired . cuz my bag super heavy . not cuz cycle for so long .
at night , wanna sleep for 2 hours then wake up to study , but my family members are so cool blooded , nobody wanna care me .
at last called my cha jou to help lor.. thx a lot ! ^^
wake up study 1 hour , duno why later 4.30am found myself sleeping in bed . *shame*
wake up and then study 1 hour , fell asleep on the table . KNS . then dont care edi , straight go n sleep lar .
so tired arh...
i mean...
Alexander Archuleta~
change edi lor..
at last,what is the name of it??
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