谢谢均晶 , 因为她所以我才能用电脑。( 这是被逼写的 )
我现在在跟两个疯女人在一间小房间 , 我快要死了 !!
她们好像吃错药了 , 救命啊 !!!
今天都待在均晶家 , 跟佳柔在这 。
我是靠着坚强的意志力才不会被影响 !! 哈哈哈哈
怎么办 ?? 她们竟然可以因为一个铃声笑超久 !!
我们真的太忙了 ,
一边看电影 , 一边玩木屐 , 一边玩扑克 。
佳柔回了 。
是时候回了 。
Tuesday, November 10
Tuesday, October 27
沐浴乳好香 , 可是它的气味只能逗留短暂的时间..
过后就拼命地刷牙 , 呵呵..
因为这次就算我想看医生 , 可能都没有医生愿意帮我...
我不知道你为什么从去槟城那天就这样对我 ,
脾气变的好暴躁 , 态度很差 , 粗话满天飞...
是我的错吗 ?
我变了吗 ?
还是你呢 ?
Sunday, October 25
Saturday, October 24
i've done all i could
i am still unsatisfied with my blog .
going to give up .
too many things i wanna write .
not sure where to start .
going to give up .
too many things i wanna write .
not sure where to start .
Tuesday, October 6
this is the time to be a bookworm !
PK010 K080
new name .
my status for these few days , on and off .
I really wish I can put more effort in this , cause daddy text me everyday to catch up and advise , remind me .
last but not least ,
best wishes everyone !
good luck !!
: )
new name .
my status for these few days , on and off .
I really wish I can put more effort in this , cause daddy text me everyday to catch up and advise , remind me .
last but not least ,
best wishes everyone !
good luck !!
: )
Sunday, October 4
choices must be made .
I am confuse .
I need time . a lot of time .
how come life must be so dramatic ?
I need time . a lot of time .
how come life must be so dramatic ?
Thursday, September 17
I always Disappoints You
Another personal record from me , sit outside the class . Wuhu !!
I admit I didn't do her homework , so TAKE YOUR DESK AND SIT OUTSIDE . okay.
became the back door's guard with Pei Huan .
then suddenly , i remembered and told her that : We always help our class guard the door since Year 6 hor ? or maybe even earlier ? Every time its us de lor... The one time that i remember clearly is Year 6th Mathematics class , wait a minute , is it Year 6th ? Aiyor.. nvm lar.. The point is its never any other people . no matter whatever homework , sure is us de lar..
hahaha.. What friends are for huh ?
Sitting there is okay , except for the fact that the sunlight is shinning straight on us . Luckily both of us is already obviously tan skin .
Yesterday PK 1 walk past our class , kept on look at me to lecture and ask . Today , she walk past AGAIN ! Why every time also English Period ? U look at the time table already , is it ?
I didn't realize she is there , until...
a hand tapping my shoulder .
creepy , Thank Goddess I didn't scream . That would be embarrassing : P
She asked : why today outside again ? Like this how to take PMR ?
She looked straight in my eyes and say : Be a good student arh..
Whoa.. at that moment , i was afraid she recognise me . but what happened is a past tense , so there is nothing i can do .
When the class ended , Miss Teoh walked to my desk , which is still outside .
she said : Disappointed . What happened to you ? It's going to exam . Don't knock your head to the wall , okay ?
I : nod my head .
haiz.. what to do ? she is the teacher .
I admit I didn't do her homework , so TAKE YOUR DESK AND SIT OUTSIDE . okay.
became the back door's guard with Pei Huan .
then suddenly , i remembered and told her that : We always help our class guard the door since Year 6 hor ? or maybe even earlier ? Every time its us de lor... The one time that i remember clearly is Year 6th Mathematics class , wait a minute , is it Year 6th ? Aiyor.. nvm lar.. The point is its never any other people . no matter whatever homework , sure is us de lar..
hahaha.. What friends are for huh ?
Sitting there is okay , except for the fact that the sunlight is shinning straight on us . Luckily both of us is already obviously tan skin .
Yesterday PK 1 walk past our class , kept on look at me to lecture and ask . Today , she walk past AGAIN ! Why every time also English Period ? U look at the time table already , is it ?
I didn't realize she is there , until...
a hand tapping my shoulder .
creepy , Thank Goddess I didn't scream . That would be embarrassing : P
She asked : why today outside again ? Like this how to take PMR ?
She looked straight in my eyes and say : Be a good student arh..
Whoa.. at that moment , i was afraid she recognise me . but what happened is a past tense , so there is nothing i can do .
When the class ended , Miss Teoh walked to my desk , which is still outside .
she said : Disappointed . What happened to you ? It's going to exam . Don't knock your head to the wall , okay ?
I : nod my head .
haiz.. what to do ? she is the teacher .
I am an emotional gal .
U will never know what will happen the next second .
I Change quicker than the Weather .
U will be scare when
I really get mad
U won't like me when
I am angry
Wednesday, September 16
I wish for nothing more
i guess we made another new record for our class today , for not bringing books .
11 person standing on the chair outside the class along the corridor . WOW.
What A View !!
hahah.. at that time , i really hoped she will make us stand there for 2 periods . XP but i guess she still have a good side deeeeeeeeeeeeep down .
seriously , i don't feel ashamed about it , but i didn't tell my parents .
hey , teenagers must have secrets , right ?
when im standing there , there are 2 things on my mind .
well , wth , its over and at least im honest about it .
i know i am wrong and so i deserved punishment .
school is random today . spent most of the time fooling with Kah Soon .
We even discuss about going to Penang Island together . Hope that it works .
People won't stop changing . We won't know what will happen next .
i am kinda emotional these days . why do i care so much about u? why am i so busybody? It's so obvious u doesn't want me to know . where did the trust and strong bound between the 3 of us went? i treat both of u with all my heart. But i think u don't believe me any more. U make me wanna cry. PH , PC
Yuck .
Having sleep disorder these days , my mind and body aren't cooperating .
feel like hell . What to do ?
ate dinner in Korea Taste Restaurant then bought a cake home from Alma .
details and pictures will be up a lot more longer .
Hapi Birthday little bro !!
11 person standing on the chair outside the class along the corridor . WOW.
What A View !!
hahah.. at that time , i really hoped she will make us stand there for 2 periods . XP but i guess she still have a good side deeeeeeeeeeeeep down .
seriously , i don't feel ashamed about it , but i didn't tell my parents .
hey , teenagers must have secrets , right ?
when im standing there , there are 2 things on my mind .
1. how many times have i stand like this ? as a reply to myself , i just grin .
2. its freaking cold .
well , wth , its over and at least im honest about it .
i know i am wrong and so i deserved punishment .
school is random today . spent most of the time fooling with Kah Soon .
We even discuss about going to Penang Island together . Hope that it works .
People won't stop changing . We won't know what will happen next .
i am kinda emotional these days . why do i care so much about u? why am i so busybody? It's so obvious u doesn't want me to know . where did the trust and strong bound between the 3 of us went? i treat both of u with all my heart. But i think u don't believe me any more. U make me wanna cry. PH , PC
Yuck .
Having sleep disorder these days , my mind and body aren't cooperating .
feel like hell . What to do ?
ate dinner in Korea Taste Restaurant then bought a cake home from Alma .
details and pictures will be up a lot more longer .
Hapi Birthday little bro !!
Monday, September 14
Sunday, September 13
Saturday, September 12
You make my Day ♥
so , today is just another tired day .
wasted the whole morning in school .
thanks to my two best friends , they called me !! which is kinda unexpected . hahaha..
Went to school at 10am , spent some time under the hot sun . omg . I think they just doesn't care about our badly damaged skin .
After that , we had a so-called station game . But the truth is its just an unbelievably childish , suitable for guys game . ugh .
pick 3 person [ a guy and 2 girls ] to form a group or as they call it , family .
the guy must be an artificial mother and the girls get to choose to be kid or father .
father must eat 6 biscuits , tie the kid's hair , feed it milk and help the kid to wear diapers
where else mother have to wear her bra which is make from balloons .
those people just can't stop themselves from thinking dirty sex things , is it ?
why can't they learn to respect others ?
ugh ! come to think of it , i should not waste my time on them because it's just like a drop of water in the sea .
Actually , we can go home real early , but because of someone wanna complain .
we need to wait until noon .
But that is what friends for . I forgive U . and i still love U . ^^
but at least i spent some great time with my parents .
went Megamall at around four or six ?
bro went around by himself so I have my parents all for me !! YAY !!
I am pathetic . Bought a lot of things with them . ^^
We are a classic Pepsi supporter , bought 8 bottles of 1.5litres Pepsi . wahahahah...
Reach home at 11pm . tired but real happy !!
LOVE YOU !! muacksss ! ♥
wasted the whole morning in school .
thanks to my two best friends , they called me !! which is kinda unexpected . hahaha..
Went to school at 10am , spent some time under the hot sun . omg . I think they just doesn't care about our badly damaged skin .
After that , we had a so-called station game . But the truth is its just an unbelievably childish , suitable for guys game . ugh .
pick 3 person [ a guy and 2 girls ] to form a group or as they call it , family .
the guy must be an artificial mother and the girls get to choose to be kid or father .
father must eat 6 biscuits , tie the kid's hair , feed it milk and help the kid to wear diapers
where else mother have to wear her bra which is make from balloons .
those people just can't stop themselves from thinking dirty sex things , is it ?
why can't they learn to respect others ?
ugh ! come to think of it , i should not waste my time on them because it's just like a drop of water in the sea .
Actually , we can go home real early , but because of someone wanna complain .
we need to wait until noon .
But that is what friends for . I forgive U . and i still love U . ^^
but at least i spent some great time with my parents .
went Megamall at around four or six ?
bro went around by himself so I have my parents all for me !! YAY !!
I am pathetic . Bought a lot of things with them . ^^
We are a classic Pepsi supporter , bought 8 bottles of 1.5litres Pepsi . wahahahah...
Reach home at 11pm . tired but real happy !!
LOVE YOU !! muacksss ! ♥
Friday, September 11
today's horoscope said : pisces , u will enjoy a job that u have never done . and later u will continue doing that job as in the back scene .
haha. this is kinda right .
because today i skipped school !! omg . why am i so proud ? XP
i wake up quite early . does 9am looks early to u ?
then i helped daddy with the DIY grape pole or whatever it's called .
spent my whole morning with it .
actually , im not a bad worker myself . haha .
i really don't understand why u dislike me spending time with him .
are u that afraid ?
please . just think deeply . mum
i like it when my mummy smile .
so please just smile more and try to stay happy .
got my maths marks today .
i got 47 .
nothing to say about it because its kinda expected .
well , today [ 11.09.2009 ] is perfectly wasted , except the morning part .
haha. this is kinda right .
because today i skipped school !! omg . why am i so proud ? XP
i wake up quite early . does 9am looks early to u ?
then i helped daddy with the DIY grape pole or whatever it's called .
spent my whole morning with it .
actually , im not a bad worker myself . haha .
i really don't understand why u dislike me spending time with him .
are u that afraid ?
please . just think deeply . mum
i like it when my mummy smile .
so please just smile more and try to stay happy .
got my maths marks today .
i got 47 .
nothing to say about it because its kinda expected .
well , today [ 11.09.2009 ] is perfectly wasted , except the morning part .
Thursday, September 10
test forever
trial exam is over !! Yeah !
wait . oh . i forgot .
3 days later , there will be another test again and it will last till PMR .
yay . great .
what the fuck .
so long , my early to bed routine .
hello , chinese tea and instant cup noodle .
crap .
i don't get it .
people react differently in everything .
well , actually i get it .
but it's too obvious and too much difference that i have a hard time to accept and filter it .
Oh My God . You just love to torture human beings , right ?
well , You have done a great job in that . at least to me .
damn .
Not to Forget !
Hapi 15th Birthday , Lee Chin Chin !
wait . oh . i forgot .
3 days later , there will be another test again and it will last till PMR .
yay . great .
what the fuck .
so long , my early to bed routine .
hello , chinese tea and instant cup noodle .
crap .
i don't get it .
people react differently in everything .
well , actually i get it .
but it's too obvious and too much difference that i have a hard time to accept and filter it .
Oh My God . You just love to torture human beings , right ?
well , You have done a great job in that . at least to me .
damn .
Not to Forget !
Hapi 15th Birthday , Lee Chin Chin !
Wednesday, September 9
truly sucker
noticed that every human being is selfish
that includes me , of course .
seriously , the longer i think of it , i realize i am more selfish than anyone else .
moron .
why does time flies so quickly ?
it does not let me have enough time to think and understand this world more .
i don't understand .
if u don't like it . u can choose to don't do it .
but u choose to blame it on another person .
figure it out yourself .
don't tell me u don't know that u must wait for everyone to sit in their place then only u can pass the papers ?
fuck .
why did that feeling came back ?
i thought we are strangers now . J
i even tried to hate u . but i guess i failed to do that for a long time .
u spoiled my mood . i hate u , maybe , i think so .
bastard .
sorry that i made u lost your self confidence and made u feel sad , dissapointed and sometimes ashame .
but i don't think u know that , my self confidence are gone too .
i don't know when , where or how .
at least u still have a clue about it .
since when , i felt so unsecured so afraid so hopeless .
since when , everything people tell me , i just treat it as a harassment .
i always laughed at myself to being such a failure .
jerk .
this post is so boring , fucking damn idiot .
and omg . too many bad words .
what the hell .
just ignore the emotional me .
that includes me , of course .
seriously , the longer i think of it , i realize i am more selfish than anyone else .
moron .
why does time flies so quickly ?
it does not let me have enough time to think and understand this world more .
i don't understand .
if u don't like it . u can choose to don't do it .
but u choose to blame it on another person .
figure it out yourself .
don't tell me u don't know that u must wait for everyone to sit in their place then only u can pass the papers ?
fuck .
why did that feeling came back ?
i thought we are strangers now . J
i even tried to hate u . but i guess i failed to do that for a long time .
u spoiled my mood . i hate u , maybe , i think so .
bastard .
sorry that i made u lost your self confidence and made u feel sad , dissapointed and sometimes ashame .
but i don't think u know that , my self confidence are gone too .
i don't know when , where or how .
at least u still have a clue about it .
since when , i felt so unsecured so afraid so hopeless .
since when , everything people tell me , i just treat it as a harassment .
i always laughed at myself to being such a failure .
jerk .
this post is so boring , fucking damn idiot .
and omg . too many bad words .
what the hell .
just ignore the emotional me .
Thursday, August 20
我又发了恶梦 .
不知道是什么原因 , 我常常跟恶梦扯上关系 .
只过了一小时 , 我却已经忘了大部分的细节 ..
只记得有一间很美的屋子 , 我在那里待了好久 , 一直慢慢地欣赏它的美 .
我已经忘了那建筑物的作用了. 可是它是类似花店 .
影象中 , 我跟妈妈 , 还有谁 , 我已经忘了 .. 在那里喝咖啡聊天 .
过后 , 我们要去一间大礼堂 , 我偶然地就望去窗外 , 看到一位老伯伯 , 他看起来满慈祥的 . 而且还有点笑容 .
忘了我是什么反应 , 也不知道自己到底怎样走到那礼堂 .
我竟然坐在后台看表演 ,
第一个表演 , 忘了是谁演了 , 好像是蛮恐怖的 .
第二个就属于比较开心的舞蹈 .
那第一个表演让我傻眼 , 妈妈好像知道了 , 就叫我望远处的山上 .
竟然是阴森的坟墓场 , 可是过了一会 , 它变了 , 成了刚才的建筑物 .
我吓倒了 , 整个表演也跟着结束了 .
我就自己跑了出去 , 到了两辆巴士面前 , 竟然看到那伯伯驾车过 .
妈妈这时叫我别坐巴士 , 好像里面都是邪恶的能量 .
我看到旁边有辆奇怪的车 , 就驾走了它 .
我想驾去那建筑物 , 所以双眼就一直望着它 .
驾着驾着 , 不知道怎么搞的 , 忽然发现我旁边两旁都是橡胶树 , 四周围都好暗 .
在我开始害怕时 , 望了后面 , 竟然看到了欣媛踏着脚车 .
而且在她后面 , 路的尾端竟是好亮的光芒 .
我拼命喊她的名字 , 很快的她踏在我车旁 .
我真的很开心 !
可是 , 当我看了后面一下 , 我已经吓呆了 .
那是一辆蓝色的车子 , 里面坐着那伯伯 , 在他的后座放着一个非常大的墓碑 . 仔细一看 , 墓碑上的照片竟是那伯伯 .
我立刻加速 , 却到了一个坟场 .
这时 , 我努力告诉自己 , 我在发梦 , 就挣开了眼睛 . 醒来 , 我跟睡前是没有什么差别的 .
所以就走到客厅 , 看妈妈在折衣服 , 就在旁边坐下了 , 突然发现外面暗暗的 , 有点不寻常 , 看了看窗外 , 竟然都是坟墓 , 我不敢作出任何突然的动作 , 就只能看着在旁边笑得很邪恶的妈妈 .
再一次 , 我告诉自己 , 还在发梦 , 快醒吧 !
我真的很努力地张开了眼睛 ! 发现 , 外面还是暗暗的 .
我努力了无数次 , 可是真的没改变 .
天啊 !! 我害怕得念了所有我会的佛经 . 不是 , 几乎是喊了 .
最后 , 竟然有了希望 . . 可是好像只有一半的身体 , 记忆 , 脑袋醒了 .
当时的我真的以为我不能醒了 .
因为那真的太真实了 .
不知试了第几次 , 我总清醒了 .
可是 , 我真的以为我还在梦里 .
我眼睛一直不能挣开, 我甚至用了全部的力气 .
身体也不允许我动 , 我挣扎了一段时间 .
我最后模模糊糊地的的确确醒了 , 去到客厅 , 那梦真的好清晰 .
接近两个小时的睡眠时间 , 我觉得会让我害怕一段时间吧..
不知道是什么原因 , 我常常跟恶梦扯上关系 .
只过了一小时 , 我却已经忘了大部分的细节 ..
只记得有一间很美的屋子 , 我在那里待了好久 , 一直慢慢地欣赏它的美 .
我已经忘了那建筑物的作用了. 可是它是类似花店 .
影象中 , 我跟妈妈 , 还有谁 , 我已经忘了 .. 在那里喝咖啡聊天 .
过后 , 我们要去一间大礼堂 , 我偶然地就望去窗外 , 看到一位老伯伯 , 他看起来满慈祥的 . 而且还有点笑容 .
忘了我是什么反应 , 也不知道自己到底怎样走到那礼堂 .
我竟然坐在后台看表演 ,
第一个表演 , 忘了是谁演了 , 好像是蛮恐怖的 .
第二个就属于比较开心的舞蹈 .
那第一个表演让我傻眼 , 妈妈好像知道了 , 就叫我望远处的山上 .
竟然是阴森的坟墓场 , 可是过了一会 , 它变了 , 成了刚才的建筑物 .
我吓倒了 , 整个表演也跟着结束了 .
我就自己跑了出去 , 到了两辆巴士面前 , 竟然看到那伯伯驾车过 .
妈妈这时叫我别坐巴士 , 好像里面都是邪恶的能量 .
我看到旁边有辆奇怪的车 , 就驾走了它 .
我想驾去那建筑物 , 所以双眼就一直望着它 .
驾着驾着 , 不知道怎么搞的 , 忽然发现我旁边两旁都是橡胶树 , 四周围都好暗 .
在我开始害怕时 , 望了后面 , 竟然看到了欣媛踏着脚车 .
而且在她后面 , 路的尾端竟是好亮的光芒 .
我拼命喊她的名字 , 很快的她踏在我车旁 .
我真的很开心 !
可是 , 当我看了后面一下 , 我已经吓呆了 .
那是一辆蓝色的车子 , 里面坐着那伯伯 , 在他的后座放着一个非常大的墓碑 . 仔细一看 , 墓碑上的照片竟是那伯伯 .
我立刻加速 , 却到了一个坟场 .
这时 , 我努力告诉自己 , 我在发梦 , 就挣开了眼睛 . 醒来 , 我跟睡前是没有什么差别的 .
所以就走到客厅 , 看妈妈在折衣服 , 就在旁边坐下了 , 突然发现外面暗暗的 , 有点不寻常 , 看了看窗外 , 竟然都是坟墓 , 我不敢作出任何突然的动作 , 就只能看着在旁边笑得很邪恶的妈妈 .
再一次 , 我告诉自己 , 还在发梦 , 快醒吧 !
我真的很努力地张开了眼睛 ! 发现 , 外面还是暗暗的 .
我努力了无数次 , 可是真的没改变 .
天啊 !! 我害怕得念了所有我会的佛经 . 不是 , 几乎是喊了 .
最后 , 竟然有了希望 . . 可是好像只有一半的身体 , 记忆 , 脑袋醒了 .
当时的我真的以为我不能醒了 .
因为那真的太真实了 .
不知试了第几次 , 我总清醒了 .
可是 , 我真的以为我还在梦里 .
我眼睛一直不能挣开, 我甚至用了全部的力气 .
身体也不允许我动 , 我挣扎了一段时间 .
我最后模模糊糊地的的确确醒了 , 去到客厅 , 那梦真的好清晰 .
接近两个小时的睡眠时间 , 我觉得会让我害怕一段时间吧..
Wednesday, August 19
好长哦.. 时间过得太久了..
昨天花了一整天的时间才搞好这帐号 , 所以累得没更新 .
这篇文章会花很长的时间吧.. 毕竟我是第一次用华文嘛..
[ 朋友们 , 看我多么好啦~ 哈哈 ]
其实 , 最近发生了不少事情 .
都因为种种的原因而改变了 .
从原本 自信满满 变的 得过且过
告诉自己 , 你其实没有你想象中的那种本事 .
放弃吧.. 只要想着 , 船到桥头自然直 .
因为.. 我变的开心多了 !!
每次去学校都会因为你们而增加自己的开心指数 .
今天的话题 , 很特别吧..
竟然可以因为 , 子盈和弈芳的一个问题 .
我暂时真的没钱 , 也没力气和勇气 , 所以还呆在友情总站 .
就如均晶说的 : 想坐在那里
看看正在等待的人 , 买票的人 , 上了巴士的人 .
甚至是坐地铁 或 德士的人 .
可是 , 真的希望朋友们都可以 买票上巴士 . 慢慢地享受那美丽的路程哦..
呵呵 ^^
p.s : 花一个小时才写得完啊 !!
p.p.s : 很对不起自己叻.. 写得那么短 .
昨天花了一整天的时间才搞好这帐号 , 所以累得没更新 .
这篇文章会花很长的时间吧.. 毕竟我是第一次用华文嘛..
[ 朋友们 , 看我多么好啦~ 哈哈 ]
其实 , 最近发生了不少事情 .
都因为种种的原因而改变了 .
从原本 自信满满 变的 得过且过
告诉自己 , 你其实没有你想象中的那种本事 .
放弃吧.. 只要想着 , 船到桥头自然直 .
因为.. 我变的开心多了 !!
每次去学校都会因为你们而增加自己的开心指数 .
今天的话题 , 很特别吧..
竟然可以因为 , 子盈和弈芳的一个问题 .
我暂时真的没钱 , 也没力气和勇气 , 所以还呆在友情总站 .
就如均晶说的 : 想坐在那里
看看正在等待的人 , 买票的人 , 上了巴士的人 .
甚至是坐地铁 或 德士的人 .
可是 , 真的希望朋友们都可以 买票上巴士 . 慢慢地享受那美丽的路程哦..
呵呵 ^^
p.s : 花一个小时才写得完啊 !!
p.p.s : 很对不起自己叻.. 写得那么短 .
Monday, March 23
what kind of day ?
today , is the first day of school reopen .
i didnt do anything in school .
just dreaming or thinking , im not sure .
what happen to me ?
what happen to us ?
what happen to the past ?
i just dont understand .
im such a stupid bitch now...
why did i had this kind of reaction ?
why do i have this kind of feeling ?
why am i crying so hard ?
am i still the old Tan Xin Yee ?
where did the confidence went to ?
where did the bravery went to ?
where did the hard working cells went to ?
where did the smart brain went to ?
why did i treat everyone that badly ?
where did the caring me went to ?
what have i done to everyone ?
friends , family and strangers .
sometimes i just wish one day when i feel asleep , i wont wake up anymore .
so that i will stop hurting everyone .
too many questions ,
too little time for me to find out the answers .
will these questions be answered ?
i think no...
Sunday, March 22
the end of 1 week holiday
18 . 3
on the way to breakfast , had a small accident .
hate that stupid indian , brainless !
its his fault but scold my parents . wtf .
dont remember wat i did for the day edi .
stay at home ? think so...
19 . 3
went to MCD for lunch .
after that , cancel the plan to Penang and headed to Jusco Bandar Perda . and wat i remember is that its so boring .
20 . 3
went to meet my besties in KFC then went to chor huey's house .
chat with them for only 3 and half hours . its just not enough !
i really love chating and spending time with them .
21 . 3
went to Pacific cuz dad wanna buy things for his laptop and mom wanna buy com games .
after that to Sunway cuz Logan kor wan us to buy the newest Sony camera but we didnt make it .
nothing to do there so we went to Starbucks and spend our time there .

there is a flower exabition and its kinda nice .
22 . 3
im goin to stay at home and finish all the homeworks . like wat chuanmelon says , last day of holiday is homework day .
on the way to breakfast , had a small accident .
hate that stupid indian , brainless !
its his fault but scold my parents . wtf .
dont remember wat i did for the day edi .
stay at home ? think so...
19 . 3
went to MCD for lunch .
after that , cancel the plan to Penang and headed to Jusco Bandar Perda . and wat i remember is that its so boring .
20 . 3
went to meet my besties in KFC then went to chor huey's house .
chat with them for only 3 and half hours . its just not enough !
i really love chating and spending time with them .
21 . 3
went to Pacific cuz dad wanna buy things for his laptop and mom wanna buy com games .
after that to Sunway cuz Logan kor wan us to buy the newest Sony camera but we didnt make it .
nothing to do there so we went to Starbucks and spend our time there .
there is a flower exabition and its kinda nice .
22 . 3
im goin to stay at home and finish all the homeworks . like wat chuanmelon says , last day of holiday is homework day .
Tuesday, March 17
packed holiday
at last , im free to update my blog .
13 . 3
shu jun and jun jie cook spaghetti for me ! haha
so nice ! XD
after school , stay late for meeting .
accompany chuanmelon then went back to cha jou's house .
14 . 3
wake up early , cycle to cha jou's house .
ate breakfast there , fetch pei huan and go to school for station game .
the hapi part is after everyone is back and only a few of us stay in the canteen . ^^
stay in school until 3.30 , then went back to cha jou's house .
chit - chat and sleep there . haha
6.30 only went back home .
reach home sleep . wake up to have dinner then sleep again .
15 . 3
wake up at 9am .
scars on my legs and hands . well , its station game .
around 11 , pei huan n cha jou came to fetch me .
have lunch in Jawi then went to Jusco Bandar Perda .

after Nicholas left , went to Ichiban Ramen for... dinner ? btw , its 3.30 pm .

then , shop for a while and went back by Rapid .
16 . 3
went for stem bath in the afternoon .

dinner , BBQ chicken in sunway carnival .
supper , MCD in auto city .
nothing much but still feel tired .
17 . 3
just stay at home and did nothing .
13 . 3
shu jun and jun jie cook spaghetti for me ! haha
so nice ! XD
after school , stay late for meeting .
accompany chuanmelon then went back to cha jou's house .
14 . 3
wake up early , cycle to cha jou's house .
ate breakfast there , fetch pei huan and go to school for station game .
the hapi part is after everyone is back and only a few of us stay in the canteen . ^^
stay in school until 3.30 , then went back to cha jou's house .
chit - chat and sleep there . haha
6.30 only went back home .
reach home sleep . wake up to have dinner then sleep again .
15 . 3
wake up at 9am .
scars on my legs and hands . well , its station game .
around 11 , pei huan n cha jou came to fetch me .
have lunch in Jawi then went to Jusco Bandar Perda .
after Nicholas left , went to Ichiban Ramen for... dinner ? btw , its 3.30 pm .

then , shop for a while and went back by Rapid .
16 . 3
went for stem bath in the afternoon .
nothing much but still feel tired .
17 . 3
just stay at home and did nothing .
Thursday, March 12
big surprise . ^^
today got a big surprised from xoxo Bang . thank you ! ^^
i really love everything that all of u have done for me .
thx Honey for the 龟苓膏 . i really like it . hehe~ enough sweet oo..
thx Darling for the heart ! haha ! noe u spend a lot of time on it ! XD
thx Dear for buying me JJ's album ! haha ! original leh... not like last time , pirate de.. hahah
thx Baby for making me smile . =] its a lot to me .
thank YOU !
Alex , i should thank u too ... cuz if u din accompany me , i think i will stand there n cry .
if not for all of u , i think im crying hard in my bed now.
what kind of fucking result i get ?
BM : 55 .
SN : 82 .
i really cant imagine what kind of placing will i get .
im just so disappointing .
this stupid result make me cant eat . cant do anything without thinking about it . din go to piano lesson and just sleep for the whole day .
i hate this kind of me . just noe how to cry...
Wednesday, March 11
tired .
im tired ... maybe because i still cant dissolve everything cj told me .
today's test [ i yeterday din touch any books ]
PM - kinda easy , after finish , sleep for quite some time , awake cuz teacher and pei huan is talking , too loud lar...
Sivik - i hate it ! nid to write so much things ... made me dont have the time to sleep .
Seni - OMG ! the drawing is like kindergarden pupil's work . and all the questions are so confusing . *sigh*
im curious why every time seni test , the whole class arent like exam .
well , its the last day , so .. who cares ? haha !! XD
today ...
i think more bout what cj said to me when exam . maybe everyone of us try hard to act nothing and try to treat that as a habit .
sit all by myself looking out of the glassless window , is the only time i can think about these things , so that nobody know , my tears are on my cheeks .
today's test [ i yeterday din touch any books ]
PM - kinda easy , after finish , sleep for quite some time , awake cuz teacher and pei huan is talking , too loud lar...
Sivik - i hate it ! nid to write so much things ... made me dont have the time to sleep .
Seni - OMG ! the drawing is like kindergarden pupil's work . and all the questions are so confusing . *sigh*
im curious why every time seni test , the whole class arent like exam .
well , its the last day , so .. who cares ? haha !! XD
today ...
i think more bout what cj said to me when exam . maybe everyone of us try hard to act nothing and try to treat that as a habit .
sit all by myself looking out of the glassless window , is the only time i can think about these things , so that nobody know , my tears are on my cheeks .
what should i do ? i really dont know .
Tuesday, March 10
Surprise + Sorry
today cant wake up arh ! only sleep 3 and half hours .
why ? cuz im stupid . yesterday whole day study maths then still dont understand so study till 3am .
today's test . speechless .
Maths - sure dont have A . god bless me that at least i can get a B .
KH - its easy . but already two questions wrong answer . dont noe what grade i will get .
Geo - super tired ! do until a few questions then start fishing . caught a lot of big fish ! feel asleep for a few seconds . luckily i still can wake up then check the answers , seems like i just simply do it . start all over again .
after school with chuanmelon in library , told her a lot bout her changes between the years . i think im bad to say in the past she was that kind of person .
then meet up with cha jou in KFC just to chat . we chat a lot . about family and friends .
if she didnt tell me those feelings she have , i think i wont care bout it so much .
i never know she feel so strongly bout it . im shock ! i nearly cry in front of her , but luckily i didnt .
i feel sorry to them .
when she told me bout those conversations , i feel sad and disappointed of myself .
what she said are the truth and i should have a deep thought about these . i really should not just take care of some and ignore the others . everyone of them nid my help and care . i should not put too much effort in someone that doesnt appreciate it .
maybe because im the oldest , i always feels that i have the responsibility to help them , no matter they realize it or not . and slowly... i just look after some of them .
i feel like im a stupid big fucker jerk .
why ? cuz im stupid . yesterday whole day study maths then still dont understand so study till 3am .
today's test . speechless .
Maths - sure dont have A . god bless me that at least i can get a B .
KH - its easy . but already two questions wrong answer . dont noe what grade i will get .
Geo - super tired ! do until a few questions then start fishing . caught a lot of big fish ! feel asleep for a few seconds . luckily i still can wake up then check the answers , seems like i just simply do it . start all over again .
after school with chuanmelon in library , told her a lot bout her changes between the years . i think im bad to say in the past she was that kind of person .
then meet up with cha jou in KFC just to chat . we chat a lot . about family and friends .
if she didnt tell me those feelings she have , i think i wont care bout it so much .
i never know she feel so strongly bout it . im shock ! i nearly cry in front of her , but luckily i didnt .
i feel sorry to them .
when she told me bout those conversations , i feel sad and disappointed of myself .
what she said are the truth and i should have a deep thought about these . i really should not just take care of some and ignore the others . everyone of them nid my help and care . i should not put too much effort in someone that doesnt appreciate it .
maybe because im the oldest , i always feels that i have the responsibility to help them , no matter they realize it or not . and slowly... i just look after some of them .
i feel like im a stupid big fucker jerk .
i will change . i promise .
Monday, March 9
the passion ?
today , wake up feeling hapi and non-burden . ^^
until 12.45pm , nid to go for my first piano lesson after... a few months .
im scare , im nervous . until i came out of there only i dont feel scare.
the moment i put my fingers on the keys , im shame of myself .
when will i find back my love for piano ?
when will i stop disappointing other ppls ?

after come back from piano lesson , start study . but only for 30mins , fell asleep .
sleep for two hours then paksa diri sendiri bangun .
study .
this is the first time i din study at midnight . maybe being in high school changes somethings .
this is life when its exam week . just study .
until 12.45pm , nid to go for my first piano lesson after... a few months .
im scare , im nervous . until i came out of there only i dont feel scare.
the moment i put my fingers on the keys , im shame of myself .
when will i find back my love for piano ?
when will i stop disappointing other ppls ?
after come back from piano lesson , start study . but only for 30mins , fell asleep .
sleep for two hours then paksa diri sendiri bangun .
study .
this is the first time i din study at midnight . maybe being in high school changes somethings .
this is life when its exam week . just study .
one tree hill .
today , i wake up with a smile on my face ( :
then watch tv . then study until 10.30pm , then watch tv again .
watched my favourite series .

its really meaningful .
i love the characters .
i love the conversations .
i love the thing that they wan to let us viewers noe .
will i be like them ?
have my own dreams . fulfill my dreams .
find the one i love the most . never change my love for him .
have the best friends in the world . always be there for each other .
i really love the series . really .
just now , actually now is still . chat with CM in msn .
i miss her a lot .
although she is in the same class with me , beside me , every weekdays . but i dont know why . feel like a long time din see her edi .
i truly wish our friendship can last for life .
then watch tv . then study until 10.30pm , then watch tv again .
watched my favourite series .
its really meaningful .
i love the characters .
i love the conversations .
i love the thing that they wan to let us viewers noe .
will i be like them ?
have my own dreams . fulfill my dreams .
find the one i love the most . never change my love for him .
have the best friends in the world . always be there for each other .
i really love the series . really .
just now , actually now is still . chat with CM in msn .
i miss her a lot .
although she is in the same class with me , beside me , every weekdays . but i dont know why . feel like a long time din see her edi .
i truly wish our friendship can last for life .
Saturday, March 7
simple day . ( =
last night sleep early , around 11 .
this morning , duno why ,
open my eyes and saw the sun has already come up . [ feel warm *smile* ]
have a look at the clock . 7.35 . [ luckily remember its saturday , if not sure panicked . ]
thinking its saturday so close my eyes lor... then a light pass through , omg ! nid to reach school before 8am !
rush to get ready , realize parents are not at home . text them to fetch me . luckily im not late .
im so nervous cuz i din memorize everything . got the last number .
first section is like wat i expected , bad cuz i just talk short .
second section , didnt say bout wat i already think , just simply say watever that pop out in my head .
after finishing , went to opposite shop to have breakfast with kuang hoong . chat a lot . its been a long time . =]
stay there for 2 hours . when reach school again , the ceremony is going to start .
when i heard public speaking , champion . tan xin yee . im shocked ! im like... did i have hearing problems ? well , no ( :
im hapi . really hapi .
not cuz the prize . but its cuz u trust me .
this morning , duno why ,
open my eyes and saw the sun has already come up . [ feel warm *smile* ]
have a look at the clock . 7.35 . [ luckily remember its saturday , if not sure panicked . ]
thinking its saturday so close my eyes lor... then a light pass through , omg ! nid to reach school before 8am !
rush to get ready , realize parents are not at home . text them to fetch me . luckily im not late .
im so nervous cuz i din memorize everything . got the last number .
first section is like wat i expected , bad cuz i just talk short .
second section , didnt say bout wat i already think , just simply say watever that pop out in my head .
after finishing , went to opposite shop to have breakfast with kuang hoong . chat a lot . its been a long time . =]
stay there for 2 hours . when reach school again , the ceremony is going to start .
when i heard public speaking , champion . tan xin yee . im shocked ! im like... did i have hearing problems ? well , no ( :
im hapi . really hapi .
not cuz the prize . but its cuz u trust me .
Friday, March 6
smile to cover my fear .
yesterday night , im so fed up . is study something wrong ? every 10 minutes , she must come beside me and lecture me . make me cant stand it so went to sleep between 3.30 - 4 am . because of that , i din finish all the chapters .
2nd day of exam .
BI - not as easy as i thought , am i losing my best subject ? finish it in the longest time ever . and im not sure of my answers . dont know how will i die this time .
Sej - its easier than i thought , and as i said before . if its easy then i will get a low mark , its true ! i already had a few wrong answers , and its all what i double check . bad luck or pure stupidity ?
when pei huan n i oso finish , duno why , we start talk loudly n sing children songs . hahah XD
mom came home today . her friends came to chit-chat . then later we went to KFC . why? cuz its near .
they are so funny . you should listen to what they chat ! hahahhaha . XD
after all those laughter , im thinking .
will i have reunion with my friends when i have my own family ?
if yes , then what will we chat ?
what will we be in that time ?
nobody belongs to me . i cant expect anything .
they are free , i cant decide everything for them .
they arent me , i cant blame them for anything .
for now...
im satisfied with what we are and im hapi that we are best friends .
2nd day of exam .
BI - not as easy as i thought , am i losing my best subject ? finish it in the longest time ever . and im not sure of my answers . dont know how will i die this time .
Sej - its easier than i thought , and as i said before . if its easy then i will get a low mark , its true ! i already had a few wrong answers , and its all what i double check . bad luck or pure stupidity ?
when pei huan n i oso finish , duno why , we start talk loudly n sing children songs . hahah XD
mom came home today . her friends came to chit-chat . then later we went to KFC . why? cuz its near .
they are so funny . you should listen to what they chat ! hahahhaha . XD
after all those laughter , im thinking .
will i have reunion with my friends when i have my own family ?
if yes , then what will we chat ?
what will we be in that time ?
nobody belongs to me . i cant expect anything .
they are free , i cant decide everything for them .
they arent me , i cant blame them for anything .
for now...
im satisfied with what we are and im hapi that we are best friends .
first day of examination .
5th .
BM - dont really noe what should i expect .
SN - thx to Pei Huan n Kah Soon . i think its easy . normally i say like that , then my result will KNS .
BC - stupid teacher . where got ppl give so high marks for a section de ? one objectif question 3 marks , summary 25 marks . sure die lor...
when i reach home , my mom is waiting for her ride to penang island . she keep on saying , u stay here har, i go n enjoy myself . omg . hng !
afternoon just keep on sleeping . cuz im so tired !
then wake up edi , just study . study . study .
now is 6th - 2am . im still studying .
dont think i can finish everything before the test . why must sejarah be so long ? cant they just simplify it ?
BM - dont really noe what should i expect .
SN - thx to Pei Huan n Kah Soon . i think its easy . normally i say like that , then my result will KNS .
BC - stupid teacher . where got ppl give so high marks for a section de ? one objectif question 3 marks , summary 25 marks . sure die lor...
when i reach home , my mom is waiting for her ride to penang island . she keep on saying , u stay here har, i go n enjoy myself . omg . hng !
afternoon just keep on sleeping . cuz im so tired !
then wake up edi , just study . study . study .
now is 6th - 2am . im still studying .
dont think i can finish everything before the test . why must sejarah be so long ? cant they just simplify it ?
Wednesday, March 4
craps .
4th of March .
first two period is BI , then that teacher keep on talking things that im not interested .
so cha jou n i keep on chating , not , is argue bout what should i name mypillow . : )

from the day i get him , i just keep on call him mypillow .
btw , its a him . *smile*
Alex say should name him , Alexander Archuleta . =]
Cha Jou say , Alex Goh Lao Kai [ i duno what kind of name is that ]
Chuanmelon say , 小包 or 小抱 cuz i always hug it . ^^
Im thinking maybe buddy .
or maybe at last he will be mypillow again . haha
then after school , rush to prepare myself .
then cycle to pei huan's house .
she fetch me in her motorcycle to photostat something . haha . i like it XD
then cycle to school to study . that time is going to four .
study until 6.30 ?
then accompany xin yuan go home .
cycle to cha jou's house to give her things .
then go back wif kah soon . reach home at 7.40pm . so late arh ! but i like wor.. cuz went through a place i never went . =]
kinda tired . cuz my bag super heavy . not cuz cycle for so long .
at night , wanna sleep for 2 hours then wake up to study , but my family members are so cool blooded , nobody wanna care me .
at last called my cha jou to help lor.. thx a lot ! ^^
wake up study 1 hour , duno why later 4.30am found myself sleeping in bed . *shame*
wake up and then study 1 hour , fell asleep on the table . KNS . then dont care edi , straight go n sleep lar .
so tired arh...
first two period is BI , then that teacher keep on talking things that im not interested .
so cha jou n i keep on chating , not , is argue bout what should i name mypillow . : )
from the day i get him , i just keep on call him mypillow .
btw , its a him . *smile*
Alex say should name him , Alexander Archuleta . =]
Cha Jou say , Alex Goh Lao Kai [ i duno what kind of name is that ]
Chuanmelon say , 小包 or 小抱 cuz i always hug it . ^^
Im thinking maybe buddy .
or maybe at last he will be mypillow again . haha
then after school , rush to prepare myself .
then cycle to pei huan's house .
she fetch me in her motorcycle to photostat something . haha . i like it XD
then cycle to school to study . that time is going to four .
study until 6.30 ?
then accompany xin yuan go home .
cycle to cha jou's house to give her things .
then go back wif kah soon . reach home at 7.40pm . so late arh ! but i like wor.. cuz went through a place i never went . =]
kinda tired . cuz my bag super heavy . not cuz cycle for so long .
at night , wanna sleep for 2 hours then wake up to study , but my family members are so cool blooded , nobody wanna care me .
at last called my cha jou to help lor.. thx a lot ! ^^
wake up study 1 hour , duno why later 4.30am found myself sleeping in bed . *shame*
wake up and then study 1 hour , fell asleep on the table . KNS . then dont care edi , straight go n sleep lar .
so tired arh...
Tuesday, March 3
i feel relax : )
i like how we talk to each other and how honest we are . actually we should do that more often . =] *i think i will be the one that said by them a lot of times .*
well , at least i noe they are always there for me . i really wish that we can always be friends . ^^
around 4 , went to KFC to meet cha jou n pei huan . we agreed to study . *clear throut* we got study lar...
then 5.30 , pei huan went to tuition . cha jou n i stay in KFC until 6.30 . *duno what are we doin in that hour .* then we WALK back to my house .
until 7.45 , get a call from pei huan n cycle to the tuition centre to fetch her . see lar ! we so gud arh... haha XD
aiyor.. let them saw my room . its my secret leh...
gossip a little . laugh a lot . then they went back .
actually for others , they will think . is this fun? sampat !
but for me , im more statisfied then ever . spent times with my xoxo Bang's jimui is the best thing in the world !
well , at least i noe they are always there for me . i really wish that we can always be friends . ^^
around 4 , went to KFC to meet cha jou n pei huan . we agreed to study . *clear throut* we got study lar...
then 5.30 , pei huan went to tuition . cha jou n i stay in KFC until 6.30 . *duno what are we doin in that hour .* then we WALK back to my house .
until 7.45 , get a call from pei huan n cycle to the tuition centre to fetch her . see lar ! we so gud arh... haha XD
aiyor.. let them saw my room . its my secret leh...
gossip a little . laugh a lot . then they went back .
actually for others , they will think . is this fun? sampat !
but for me , im more statisfied then ever . spent times with my xoxo Bang's jimui is the best thing in the world !
Monday, March 2
regreated .
duno why . today im so stupid . im a jerk !
im sorry .
im really sorry .
im so sorry .
please forgive me .
u r my best friend . i cant bare to lose u .
i know i should not scold u just because of a pencil case .
u can beat me , scold me . just dont ignore me .
and most importantly is dont cry .
when u cry , i feel sad and dont know what to do .
i know i always din treat u good . i know i always scold u . i know i always put my bad emotions on u .
im sorry .
cha jou , im sorry .
im sorry .
im really sorry .
im so sorry .
please forgive me .
u r my best friend . i cant bare to lose u .
i know i should not scold u just because of a pencil case .
u can beat me , scold me . just dont ignore me .
and most importantly is dont cry .
when u cry , i feel sad and dont know what to do .
i know i always din treat u good . i know i always scold u . i know i always put my bad emotions on u .
im sorry .
cha jou , im sorry .
talk a bit .
its an unhapi day...
the new headphone is now rubbish . being smashed until like tat can not be rubbish meh...
never had those feeling before . my mind just went blank . luckily i didnt cry ...
1st of March .
never had a birthday like this... the weird thing is i didnt cry... i think i really grown up . 15 edi leh ! should be more mature . i dont understand , im being better n better but u still think tat im getting worse . what should i do to please u ?
the first thing i heard from my family isnt hapi birthday . get scolded in ur birthday morning isnt a gud feeling .
at least when lunch , we went to sunway carnival 's BBQ chicken . i feel better . but its still weird , try staying wif a bunch of ppl that dont talk to each other n give u an angry face . im sure nobody like tat .
its an unhapi day...
the new headphone is now rubbish . being smashed until like tat can not be rubbish meh...
never had those feeling before . my mind just went blank . luckily i didnt cry ...
1st of March .
never had a birthday like this... the weird thing is i didnt cry... i think i really grown up . 15 edi leh ! should be more mature . i dont understand , im being better n better but u still think tat im getting worse . what should i do to please u ?
the first thing i heard from my family isnt hapi birthday . get scolded in ur birthday morning isnt a gud feeling .
at least when lunch , we went to sunway carnival 's BBQ chicken . i feel better . but its still weird , try staying wif a bunch of ppl that dont talk to each other n give u an angry face . im sure nobody like tat .
Saturday, February 28
un-happy ending
26th night .
we went to Kai Ma's house to celebrate her birthday . i got a rose from her ! ^^ im hapi but that the whole process , from goin out of my house until reach home . im sick like a pig . ><
27th .
wake up feeling better . so i went to school for hari sukan .
but later maybe cuz too hot etc . so had headache , feel dizzy n then nearly fainted . luckily jun help me to the tent . thx! after that Alex came back to school then we ponteng to the opposite mamak shop . felt better . =]
after reach home , straight bath then go out lor.. saw an ex-teacher but he din see , if he does i dout that he remembers me .
after that , we went to Gurney for BBQ Chicken . its nice . like it . mom say its goin to be our new spot . : )

walk around until 8 then went to kai aik kor's shop . stay until 9 ? then went back home . on the way back , just sleep , sleep , sleep . getting sick . but now , im still in front of the computer . am i wishing to die?
we went to Kai Ma's house to celebrate her birthday . i got a rose from her ! ^^ im hapi but that the whole process , from goin out of my house until reach home . im sick like a pig . ><
27th .
wake up feeling better . so i went to school for hari sukan .
after reach home , straight bath then go out lor.. saw an ex-teacher but he din see , if he does i dout that he remembers me .
after that , we went to Gurney for BBQ Chicken . its nice . like it . mom say its goin to be our new spot . : )

walk around until 8 then went to kai aik kor's shop . stay until 9 ? then went back home . on the way back , just sleep , sleep , sleep . getting sick . but now , im still in front of the computer . am i wishing to die?
Thursday, February 26
i like it ♥
am i really getting sick ? pray that i dont .
today still have raptai , so our class is so quiet . *wink*
didnt done anything except when BM period ,
melon , shu jun , Alex , jing hung n me chat together . we kinda chat a lot , right?
but what we chat is different wif the others . cuz we chat bout our future . our family . and we !
telling each others that we are goin to be in our twentys soon , is creppy . *shiver*
what jing hung said is right , i really should find some way to let go my feelings . i really nid to learn how to control my temper . if not , maybe i will be in the hospital quite soon .
haha`` never thought that i will tell somebody bout what i have done when im crazy . XP
the more i talk to jun , the more resemblance i found between us . =]
actually all of us can be quite good friends . *smile*
thx guys , for telling me what should i do .
at least i know whenever im lost , i have all of u to hold on .
i like it when we chat bout what we think , what we have done , what we are feeling .
will we do that again ? my friends .
today still have raptai , so our class is so quiet . *wink*
didnt done anything except when BM period ,
melon , shu jun , Alex , jing hung n me chat together . we kinda chat a lot , right?
but what we chat is different wif the others . cuz we chat bout our future . our family . and we !
telling each others that we are goin to be in our twentys soon , is creppy . *shiver*
what jing hung said is right , i really should find some way to let go my feelings . i really nid to learn how to control my temper . if not , maybe i will be in the hospital quite soon .
haha`` never thought that i will tell somebody bout what i have done when im crazy . XP
the more i talk to jun , the more resemblance i found between us . =]
actually all of us can be quite good friends . *smile*
thx guys , for telling me what should i do .
at least i know whenever im lost , i have all of u to hold on .
i like it when we chat bout what we think , what we have done , what we are feeling .
will we do that again ? my friends .
Wednesday, February 25
blank .
today school have raptai for hari sukan , so half of my class's student isnt in class..
then i think teoh guay lan is too bore so she kept on talking bout me . if it is only me , then its okay.. but y does she have to talk bout me n Alex_Goh? im like... huh?! but then.. she is the teacher . *sigh*
oh ! today is chew sin's birthday . althought i noe he wont be reading , but just wanna say : hapi Birthday! ^^
bout the present.. its like.. erm.. speechless .
but the card is prefect! i oso dont have lor.. he is the first person that melon gave a handmade birthday card..
pei huan is so.. jealous . hahah XD
not sure why.. since BM period , im just thinking of goin back home and lock myself in a really , extremely quiet room .
sorry cha jou , cuz that time i din really talk to u . * slap myself*
watched a cinderella story . i like the main actors ! XP and of cuz i like the story too . Sam is a brave girl and Austin is clever but he cant make a decision for his future . thx to Sam , he follow what his heart told him . =]
can i too have a hapi ending like them ?
p/s :actually this post i wanna use chinese to write , but my stupid F***ing com ! i've tried for the whole day , but the result is blank . so . i gave up . useless me.
then i think teoh guay lan is too bore so she kept on talking bout me . if it is only me , then its okay.. but y does she have to talk bout me n Alex_Goh? im like... huh?! but then.. she is the teacher . *sigh*
oh ! today is chew sin's birthday . althought i noe he wont be reading , but just wanna say : hapi Birthday! ^^
bout the present.. its like.. erm.. speechless .
but the card is prefect! i oso dont have lor.. he is the first person that melon gave a handmade birthday card..
pei huan is so.. jealous . hahah XD
not sure why.. since BM period , im just thinking of goin back home and lock myself in a really , extremely quiet room .
sorry cha jou , cuz that time i din really talk to u . * slap myself*
watched a cinderella story . i like the main actors ! XP and of cuz i like the story too . Sam is a brave girl and Austin is clever but he cant make a decision for his future . thx to Sam , he follow what his heart told him . =]
can i too have a hapi ending like them ?
p/s :actually this post i wanna use chinese to write , but my stupid F***ing com ! i've tried for the whole day , but the result is blank . so . i gave up . useless me.
Tuesday, February 24
a different day : )
well , i still go to school and i still sleep in class...
i still online after school...
hmm... ... ...
the different thing is around 5.10pm , hui hui called me and ask me to go her house .
and im not sure why , but i din ask anything and straight say okay !
then later i met Alex_Goh and we went to buy present for CS .
after buying it , i receive a call from Ying Hua . im like... did she call the wrong number?
but its Gyan voice . then she say she saw me...
rupa-rupanya , they r in KFC so we just went up there cuz i din see them for kinda loooong time...
chat for a while . but im hapi enough... =]
oh ! and today cha jou tell me , ur birthday is only a few days later , right?
im like ... huh? really?
kinda think of it , this is the first time im not excited about my birthday , i didnt even took notice of it coming .
is it a good thing? im not sure...
i still online after school...
hmm... ... ...
the different thing is around 5.10pm , hui hui called me and ask me to go her house .
and im not sure why , but i din ask anything and straight say okay !
then later i met Alex_Goh and we went to buy present for CS .
after buying it , i receive a call from Ying Hua . im like... did she call the wrong number?
but its Gyan voice . then she say she saw me...
rupa-rupanya , they r in KFC so we just went up there cuz i din see them for kinda loooong time...
chat for a while . but im hapi enough... =]
oh ! and today cha jou tell me , ur birthday is only a few days later , right?
im like ... huh? really?
kinda think of it , this is the first time im not excited about my birthday , i didnt even took notice of it coming .
is it a good thing? im not sure...
20th XP
we went to auto city to see 'xing guang san shao'
when we reach there . my dad is like - r u sure u came at the right date?
everyone is surprised that there wasnt a large crowd .
well , so what?! im there to accompany cha jou n wan to try to forget all the shits for a moment .
and guess what , im successful ! XD
thx to my great friends ! *muack*
everyone is surprised that there wasnt a large crowd .
well , so what?! im there to accompany cha jou n wan to try to forget all the shits for a moment .
and guess what , im successful ! XD
thx to my great friends ! *muack*
jing hung , chuanmelon n i went to hongkie kopitiam . while pei huan n cha jou stand in the crowd waiting . haha
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